Wanted: Trail maintenance workers in western Nepal
It took a chartered fixed-wing plane's rescuing us from the bombed-out airport in which we were holed up, but we made it back safely from far western Nepal. To call it a wild trip would be a disservice to the word wild. Not much went according to plan, which, aside from the unfortunate bed bugs experience our second night, elevated the expedition into another league of novelty.

You can hopefully tell from the photo below what I mean in the title of this little news item. Not sure if there are benefits for volunteer trail workers, but maybe you could call it an "internship" and put it on your resume: "Helped future travelers not fall off the mountain and die in The Middle of Nowhere, Nepal."

Watch for a forthcoming feature on the trip in The Ski Journal, and if you're interested in some shorter reports in the meantime, check out a six-part series on Skiing magazine's website: www.skiingmag.com/nepal. There's a photo gallery there as well.

Posted on 19 Nov 2009 by devon
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