New story in Bike
Last August I flew to Salt Lake City and spent a couple of days with Peter Donner, a 52-year-old economist with the State of Utah who, I'd been told, rides the same 45-mile mountain-bike loop high in the Wasatch Range up to 70 days a summer, alone.

Everyone strives to march to his own drum beat, but I've never met anyone who personifies that ideal better than Donner. I tried to capture his unique worldview and idiosyncrasies in the profile I wrote for Bike, whose editors first heard of Donner from renowned photographer Scott Markewitz. Scott lives a few miles up Emigration Canyon from Donner and his photos accompany the piece I wrote. I'm also including here a few photos from my own ride with Peter. The story can be found on my writing page, or at this link:

Posted on 26 Nov 2014 by devon
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